Panel Discussion: Circular Systems for the Future of Food
The Future of Food Production Summit discusses a wide range of topics. In the past, we would, and still continue to, look at each of these topics as a stand-alone item. In a circular economy that functions (or is being built) as a circular system, all these topics are part of the system. Who can design these systems? What will encourage people to collaborate? How resource efficient are each of the topics that contribute to the overall efficiency of the system?
About the Session
The Future of Food Production Summit discusses a wide range of topics. In the past, we would, and still continue to, look at each of these topics as a stand-alone item. In a circular economy that functions (or is being built) as a circular system, all these topics are part of the system. Who can design these systems? What will encourage people to collaborate? How resource efficient are each of the topics that contribute to the overall efficiency of the system?